Health is wealth, the health of your child starts during pregnancy stage. That is to say, do what right during that stage and follow all the dos and dont. Here is a case to study, we sometimes often worried why our kids are not tail, here are some tips on what to do to make them look taller as a mother. Children born by women who drink milk during pregnancy are more likely to be tall when they are teenagers, new research shows that. A team of scientists who tracked babies born in the late eighties found their height during adolescence was directly related to how much milk their mothers consumed when they were in the womb. Although milk intake has long been thought to promote growth in newborn babies, the latest research suggests, the benefits last well into early adulthood. Nutrition experts from Iceland, Denmark and the U.S. wanted to see if the benefits seen in the early stages of life from milk were extended into later years.....
They tracked babies born to 809 women in Denmark in 1988 and 1989, after monitoring how much milk the women had consumed during the pregnancy. The babies were measured for weight and birth length and then followed up again almost 20 years later. The results, published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, show teenagers of both sexes were generally taller if their mothers had drunk more than 150ml - roughly a quarter of a pint of milk - a day during the pregnancy, compared to children born to women who drank less than that amount. Follow up this lesson very well, for healthy growth of your unborn baby.
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